GP Joule Expands Solar Markets with New York Office

منشور على 11-2-2019

GP Joule
GP Joule Canada Corp. today announces the opening of an office in Suffolk County, New York to support its expansion into 15 Northeastern and Midwestern solar markets. GP Joule has tripled its manufacturing capacity and established local construction resources and partnerships, to support its 2019 demand in excess of 300MW.

"In order to best serve the ongoing growth of solar PV in New York, Massachusetts, Illinois and other Northern States, establishing a base in New York was a natural and necessary step for us," says David Pichard, CEO of GP Joule. "I am pleased Jonathan Mizrachi has joined the GP Joule family to lead our Product Solutions business development and manage customer relationships, bringing over 10 years of leadership in the PV industry in those markets."

"By packaging our integrated rack and foundation kits with our mechanical installation services, we do more than just lower labor and other soft costs," says Mizrachi, newly appointed Vice President, U.S. Sales based out of the new Northeast office. "Our smart designs put 'more' product in the ground to meet the industry's expectations for increased lifespans, while reducing installation labor in high cost markets. I'm excited to join an innovative company that focuses on providing integrated and quality solutions to clients, while streamlining contracting and execution."

المصدر: GP Joule

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