A few days ago, the photovoltaic power station which cooperated by Xiamen Grace Solar and Japanese company was official connected to the grid. The photovoltaic power station adopted Xiamen Grace Solar 88 trapezoid hook and 10°fixed tilt solar racking system. The project was successfully completed and signed a very significant meaning to the Japanese power station builder and Xiamen Grace Solar.
This project is near a main highway with sufficient sunlight. Which has high development value and great significance to protect environment and new energy utilization. Guestes prasied: "it is a correct choice to cooperate with Xiamen Grace Solar and adopt their products. By this cooperation, we saw the high quality products and great service. We very much hope to continue the cooperation with Xiamen Grace Solar to develop Janpan solar market togother . "
Jkeon, the marketing manager of Xiamen Grace Solar said, we have entered in Japan solar market since that country introduced a series of new policies. Xiamen Grace Solar team will further enhance competitiveness and create better products, to actively copy with the increasing competition in Japan solar market.
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