Westinghouse Solar Cancels Acquisition by Australia's CBD Energy

منشور على 23-7-2013
CBD Energy 
July 20, 2013 - Westinghouse Solar canceled an agreement to be acquired by Australia's CBD Energy after the deal was "repeatedly delayed."

Westinghouse terminated the deal yesterday and is now focused on "rebuilding its core business", according to a filing today from the Campbell.

Westinghouse agreed to be acquired by CBD in May 2012, a deal that would have given the Australian company access to the U.S. market. The acquisition was initially set to close in the third quarter of last year.

Delays in completing the deal have "resulted in a disruption" in Westinghouse's relationships with suppliers and led to a "significant decline" in revenue, according to the statement.

المصدر: Bloomberg
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CBD Energy (أخصائي تركيب أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية): https://ar.enfsolar.com/cbd-energy
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