Biwatt Technology Co., Ltd.
11th Floor, Jinqizhigu Building, No.1 Tangling Road,Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
الصين الصين

معلومات عن العاملين

جهات اتصال مفيدة

الوصف الشركة

Biwatt is digital green power innovator and sodium-ion technology pioneer. Standing at the forefront of the energy revolution with a world-class R&D team, we offer integrated energy solutions for both residential and commercial sectors, encompassing smart energy storage systems, hybrid inverters, AI-based battery management systems (AI-BMS), and an energy cloud platform.

Our Visions: Biwatt Power, Green Future.

Our Missions:Digital Green Power Innovator and Sodium-ion Technology Pioneer.

Our Objectives:To be an iconic and innovative brand in the new energy field, a popular industry partner and a respected value employer.

Our Values:Based on customer value, bold in innovation, courageous in struggle.

تفاصيل العمل
أنواع المكونات
عاكس ،نظام التخزين
نظام التخزين
بفئة: مرتبط بالشبكة ،منفصل عن الشبكة ،مستقلة ،ذكي
تكنولوجيا: LFP (LiFePO4)
النوع: مرتبط بالشبكة ،منفصل عن الشبكة ،هجين
نطاق القدرة (kWp): 5~10
تصنيع مصنع المعدات الأصلي
مقطع مصور للمنتج
About Us

Biwatt is digital green power innovator and sodium-ion technology pioneer. Standing at the forefront of the energy revolution with a world-class R&D team, we offer integrated energy solutions for both residential and commercial sectors, encompassing smart energy storage systems, hybrid inverters, AI-based battery management systems (AI-BMS), and an energy cloud platform.


Bits driving Watts


Biwatt Power, Green Future


Digital Green Power Innovator and Sodium-ion Technology Pioneer

Product Applications

Biwatt PowerNest sodium(Na)-ion battery all in one ESS


Safe guarding your loved ones while paving the way for a sustainable future.

It's more than just a power solution, but a commitment to a greener tomorrow.

Natrium: Next-gen battery tech Sodium-ion batteries

Efficient: All in one design, Fast charging

Safe: Four-layer ultra safety protection

Tomorrow: Environmental sustainability for a greener future



  • 0.0652 / Wp
    Powernest PNH-...
    -- kW هجين
  • 0.250 / Wp
    Powernest PNH-...
    -- kW هجين

نظام التخزين

  • 281 / kWh
    Powernest PNA-...
    LFP (LiFePO4)
  • 776 / kWh
    PowerNest W1 S...
    مركم أيونات الصوديوم (Na-ion)
  • 128 / kWh
    Powernest PNE-...
    LFP (LiFePO4)
  • 179 / kWh
    Powernest PNR-...
    LFP (LiFePO4)
  • 176 / kWh
    Powernest PNE-...
    LFP (LiFePO4)
  • 83.4 / kWh
    Powernest PNA-...
    LFP (LiFePO4)
تفاصيل العمل
أنواع الخدمات برمجيات
أنواع البرمجيات تصميم النظام و المحاكاة ،المراقبة ،دراسة الموقع
المنتجات Biwatt
اللغات المتاحة
أخبار الشركة
أخر تحديث: 13-6-2023